I have been writing a lot about positive attitude towards life even when facing difficult circumstances.
Positive attitude requires a lot of guts and it is easier said than done.
Several times in my life I have gone through phases akin to depression. I am sure I was good enough to hide this fact from the rest of the world as I still carry the reputation of having a 'devil may care' attitude.
This is absolutely incorrect as I hurt easily. I also have a tendency of giving up when the situation becomes too hot and also have the bad habit of running the knife over the nose to spite the face.
When I analyze the difficult phases in my life I realize that I did manage to get through them because of my interpretation of the situation. This interpretation and my conclusion on its impact on my future was hardly positive.
In most occasions I considered myself in what is called 'Back against the wall' or 'down in the dumps'. It was a situation where I have felt lost (both metamorphically and physically). This I believe is a very negative way of looking at things. But this attitude did give the desired focus and strength at those times.
When I have found myself cornered due to unexpected attacks from unlikely sources or when I have dug a hole for myself due to inappropriate action I have found a way back by clawing at the thought that it can not be worse.
Some people say that this desire to clutch on to the opportunity, the tiny ray of sunshine, is a sign of having a positive attitude.
But to be honest it was a Hobson's choice. It was not cultivated and forced upon, it was the only choice I had, except of course the idea of suicide, which was too frightening for me to contemplate.
It is more like a prey turning around to attack the predator when it finds itself in the corner.
Therefore could it be possible that being negative without pushing the self destruct button is also a way to combat your crisis.
Would love to get a feedback on my thoughts.
Best regards,