After my last post where I have posed the question of what needs to be done when God does not seem to listen and when you surrounded by troubles, I have started reading a book called "The Power of your subconscious mind" by Dr. Joseph Murray.
I made interesting discoveries in the first few pages of the book and these in some way give an answer to the question posed by me.
If you sow thorns will you gather grapes? If you sow thistles will you harvest figs? The book asks. These have been dinned into our heads in childhood but somehow we have always managed to forget.
The Book says "Every thought is a cause and every condition is an effect."
People are always living in the world without not realizing that the world within creates the world without. This is what an individual has sole control over and it is seen that most of the times people are hammering at conditions and circumstances without bothering to look at the causes. To remove discord, confusion, lack of opportunities, limitations in life we need to remove the negative thoughts that create these conditions.
I have had personal experience on this issue and know that it actually works. When I had come to Kuwait, in the beginning I had taken up a job at a salary which looked very handsome at that instant. However, later this salary appeared puny and inadequate to meet the family requirements. The condition and circumstances were clearly tough and I remained sullen for months together. Then I started looking to the cause. I started addressing the cause - a change of job. Believe it or not I always thought that i will get the new job and increase in salary I was looking for.
I kept telling myself that the next job will make the conditions better. I got the interview call almost immediately after I send my resume directly to the Head of the Division in the Bank I am now working. The interview went off well and I was soon into my new job with a comfortable salary.
I have several other personal examples and examples of people close to me where getting a grip of the situation and focussing energies within has helped in success.
Let the Big Me (subconscious mind) be flooded with positive thoughts so that it can prevail over the Little Me (Conscious mind) and bring peace and harmony in your life.
Prayers work wonders in sowing positive thoughts. When we pray we demand that something good happens in your life. You ask for good health, good relationships, good jobs, wealth and when the demand is repeated again and again it starts working on our conscious mind which then starts thinking in a way that is in sync with our subconscious.
Best wishes,
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