Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have been writing a lot about positive attitude towards life even when facing difficult circumstances.
Positive attitude requires a lot of guts and it is easier said than done.
Several times in my life I have gone through phases akin to depression. I am sure I was good enough to hide this fact from the rest of the world as I still carry the reputation of having a 'devil may care' attitude.
This is absolutely incorrect as I hurt easily. I also have a tendency of giving up when the situation becomes too hot and also have the bad habit of running the knife over the nose to spite the face.
When I analyze the difficult phases in my life I realize that I did manage to get through them because of my interpretation of the situation. This interpretation and my conclusion on its impact on my future was hardly positive.
In most occasions I considered myself in what is called 'Back against the wall' or 'down in the dumps'. It was a situation where I have felt lost (both metamorphically and physically). This I believe is a very negative way of looking at things. But this attitude did give the desired focus and strength at those times.
When I have found myself cornered due to unexpected attacks from unlikely sources or when I have dug a hole for myself due to inappropriate action I have found a way back by clawing at the thought that it can not be worse.
Some people say that this desire to clutch on to the opportunity, the tiny ray of sunshine, is a sign of having a positive attitude.
But to be honest it was a Hobson's choice. It was not cultivated and forced upon, it was the only choice I had, except of course the idea of suicide, which was too frightening for me to contemplate.
It is more like a prey turning around to attack the predator when it finds itself in the corner.
Therefore could it be possible that being negative without pushing the self destruct button is also a way to combat your crisis.
Would love to get a feedback on my thoughts.
Best regards,


Sanjoy Gupta said...

I've a gut feeling that this "being positive" is a overdone dogma of modern times. One can live pretty well without this much of it.

Manoj Mishra said...

Hello Sanjoy,

Most of your action stems from the fact that you have a positive feel about it. A negative feeling creates inactivity and lethargy. I am sure you are aware how negative thoughts lead to depressions and create a vaccum in many lives.

Saying that positive thoughts have no impact on positive action is like saying the the tree is there without a seed or a child is born without a womb.

Best wishes,

Manoj Mishra said...


When I say that most actions stem from the fact that you have a positive feel about it what i actually want to say is that even when we are shoved into a pit and people start pouring in the mud we can get out only if we have the desire to survive the situation. If we give up then there is no chance of coming out of the hole.
The fact that we have been forced to think positive due to the negatives involved does not take anything away from our actually getting away because we thought positively at that juncture. We did think that we could make it work if we survived.

Unknown said...

I think it can be called survivor instinct.When things don't go our way we feel bad and if we permit the feeling to dominate it can lead to depression.If we are not proactive but rather lean towards passiveness,willing things to happen to us instead of initiating them life seems to pass us by. Therefore it is good for such people to have their back up against a wall for it forces actions and activity has no time for depression. We may be forced , out of lack of choice, in doing things we don't care for but we don't have to give up on what we enjoy doing.
This is what you are doing dear pal, writing your thoughts , thinking with words and seeking your answers.
Happy journey.

Manoj Mishra said...

Hi Charu,
I am just jotting down my thoughts of the moment. One important realization is that there are lot of things in life that seem to happen automatically. Things over which we have no control.
Maybe with writing I will find a way to understand how and why such things happen. Somebody must have an answer.
Best regards,

Sanjoy Gupta said...

I just attended a 2 days camp in SMS indoor stadium conducted by Maheshgiri of Art of Living. It was an overdose of positivity. They are doing a huge good.

(Of course, I jumped day-2 but was genuinely satisfied that Manju attended.)

Manoj Mishra said...

Hi Sanjoy,

I know that when it becomes a lesson to be learnt it becomes tedious and boring.
Actually when it is group class the teacher has no choice but to consider all listeners to be ignorants. This way he always starts at the basics. But in a smaller group where people know each other we can cut through the dull explanations and get to the point.
Anyway, lessons are always so boring.
Best regards,

Sanjoy Gupta said...

Hi Manoj,

How can you say, "lessons are always so boring".

I'm learning a lot when I fight with you and that's very interesting.

Manoj Mishra said...

Hi Sanjoy,

Why do you think most kids hate school and adults sleep during lectures.
Of course lessons are boring if the teacher does not match his wavelength with that of the student.
Once it is the same wavelength it becomes interesting. It no longer remains a lesson, it becomes a dialogue.
I am learning a lot even when I am not fighting with you.
Best wishes,

Sanjoy Gupta said...

I see what you mean. There is no lesson when it is say, a dialogue.

I thought you can package a lesson in whatever way you like. You can even package it in entertainment. You are always learning lessons, best when you don't realise that it is so.

Manoj Mishra said...

Hi Sanjoy,

You are right there. We learn most when we do not feel that we are taking lessons.

Best regards,

Sanjoy Gupta said...

Thanks Manoj. I just learnt that somethings are easier done than said.

Manoj Mishra said...

Hi Sanjoy,
Easier Done than Said is always a possibility. That is the reason why we are more comfortable saying 'Easier Said than Done' and not the other way around.
Best regards,

Sanjoy Gupta said...

Hi Manoj,

Being tongue-tied, I mostly find that doing is the easiest way to saying. This is why some of my friends think me to be a better person. I'm so bad that I don't mind their being mistaken and don't go around correcting everybody.

Manoj Mishra said...


Need to agree there. A small gesture is equal to a million words. You have the key to a happy life.
Best rgds,

Sanjoy Gupta said...

I'm not so certain that it is a key to any happy life. People who speak easily are happier (everyone know that).

Manoj Mishra said...


Everyone feels that but it is not necessarily true.

Best regards,