Sunday, August 30, 2009

Powers of your Subconscious Mind - Positive thinking

Yesterday night I finished reading "The Powers of your Subconscious Mind".
As I have said earlier, it is a good book and every chapter tries to reinforce the message that the subconcious controls the conscious and therefore the effort should be create the subconscious that we want.
There are also chapters which basically emphasize our ability to attract to us our fate and fortune.
I have been a believer in astrology and palmistry and I have actually seen lines appear on my palm indicating events in my life.
Just recently I had seen a small line appear almost on the fate line. I became worried as any cut or island on the fate line is considered bad. However, I was in Jaipur so I went to my palmist and he asked me not to worry as that indicated a new source of recognition for me. Now this guy has no idea about what I do for my living and entertainment but he was able to see the publication of my story in "The shrinking Woman & other Stories" much before it actually happened.
When I asked him next as to why the line had appeared all of a sudden he said that it was through my subconscious desire to get the story published. This guy had no idea that I was trying very hard to get my story published.
In another incident I remember how the subconscious affect the future was when long ago we had a family function in which my mother was deeply involved. She was enjoying the company of all relatives and as the host she was working extra hard.
People would tell her that she should not work so hard as she was not very healthy and that there were possibilities of her falling sick and not being able to enjoy the event. Without giving it a thought she would time and again give the same reply: "I will fall sick when the event is over."
Believe it or not she actually did fall sick when the event got over.
After I started reading "The Powers of the Subconscious Mind", which was given to me by my friend I tried to put into practise what I was reading. I started thinking of a publisher appraoching me for a story. I repeated this thought every night. After just a week I got an email from a publisher asking me to contribute in a book to be published. This, to people who are not willing to believe in such things, is just a coincidence but for me it is reaffirmation of a belief that I have had since long.
The Subconscious mind is actually very powerful. In Durga Shaptasati, the 700 odd verses written in praise of Goddess Durga, there are several chapters and verses that appear to look as repetitions when we invoke all the possible avtars of Durga Ma and seek riches and fame. This I now realize is the same hammering of the idea into your subconsciuos. By repeating it time and again our subconscious is made aware of our requirements and it then starts directing the conscious mind to work in that direction.
If you are ready to give it a chance try it for a small thing and see how well it works if you have imagined how it will work out in advance.


Manoj Mishra said...

Thank you Karim,
I am sure if you think about it you will also come to realize that when you asked your subconscious mind to work on a particular idea, it has worked on it to a successful conclusion.
If you follow cricket you must have heard how Mathew Hayden sits on the pitch a day before the match and contemplates on how he is going to bat. We all know how devastating his batting is. He is forming a picture of the future in his mind and then allowing his subconscious to take over when the opportunity arises.
It really works. This is also called the law of attraction, i.e. you attract events through imagination.

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtfull post on mind .It should be very much helpfull.

Karim - Creating Power

Manoj Mishra said...

Hi Karim,

Visited your website 'Creating Power'.
It looks pretty good.
I really appreciate the time taken by you to comment on my blog. Coming from you it really makes it worth the effort I have put in.

Please guide me further on how to make it better.

Best regards,