Saturday, July 18, 2009



When I talk about the existence of God, I never focus on the existence of a god by name. It is never Jesus, Allah or Vishnu that I talk of.
I do not talk of compulsory rituals as the path to God.
I talk about an omnipresent, the supernatural, the divine power who guides us and leads us to become better humans.

For me God is not a form. For me God is a bundle of qualities that is difficult to find in one person. This powerful entity who shows compassion and empathy, this entity which has the power to correct wrongs and this entity which has the ability to lead you down the correct path is my God.

God is my faith and my belief on how life should be lived. My God is personal, formless, open to ideas and influences, and more pluralistic than the doctrinal faiths of religions.

In my effort to connect with God I know I have to travel several paths, answer doubts on his existence and find my answers.

I believe that God exists and I will willingly take every path that may lead to a connection with the Almighty. It may be a name as well if I feel that it is the path that will lead to the connection, but mainly it will be practice and prayers.

To get to God I feel you need to be good.
Only the pure has a chance of getting connected to the purest.
So I practice to be good.
Honest, helpful and hopeful.

Best wishes to my effort,

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