Sunday, July 19, 2009

Is Honesty just a word we throw around


Well someone will say is a much abused word.
Does anything work on honesty anymore?

If someone has doubts they don't have to look too far. Look at the collapse of the market. What caused it? I am sure all of you know by now that the one and only factor that lead to the collapse was lack of honesty.

'Satyam' - Oh, my God, how could they call themselves by that name defeats me.
Bernard Lawrence "Bernie" Madoff - 150 years in jail
Banks - Lehman Brothers, Citi and others cheated the poor public with their fancy schemes.

You need to keep counting to see where the dishonesty of such people has lead us. The markets fail to pick up as the trust has been betrayed and it is difficult to believe even the best of intentions.

Dishonesty is like smoking. More dangerous, of course.
If you do not stop someone who is smoking in front of you, it does not matter whether you smoke or not, you are also at risk.
Quit 'Dishonesty'.
It is more dangerous than smoking.
It does not harm the body, it harm the soul.

So do not take 'Honesty' lightly.
It may be too late if we do not take action now.

Wake up be honest.

Best regards,

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